Q&A (Fatwa)

#1010: Is One Ramadan Valid Without Observing The Eid And/Or Zakaatu Al-Fitr?

Aslam aleikum, dear brothers and sisters. I have a question.
2. Can a Ramadan (fasting) be accepted without observing Eid? Since Eid and Zaka is an obligatory act of worship Thank you all


Wa Alaykum Salam Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.


And for the second part of the question.

Know oh beloved one, the Fasting of Ramadan, ‘Eīd fitr and Zakatul-Fitr are all independent Ibādah, one doesn’t affect the soundness of the other even though they are related.

The fasting of Ramadan is Fard ‘Ayn (Individually obligation) on every Muslim responsible in the Shari’a.

Praying ‘Eīd is Fardu Kifāyah (Communal obligation), that is if some Muslims pray it in a town, the obligation has fallen from others and Zakātul-fitr is only Wājib (compulsory) on a Muslim that is capable.

If a Muslim refuses given out the Zakatul-fitr, he only has sin for that but it doesn’t affect his fasting. This is because it is not a condition for the acceptance of the Fasting.

The same ruling applies to a person that misses the ‘Eīd.

Also, even if praying the ‘Eīd is Wājib, the obligation will be lifted from the Muslims that will not be opportune because of the corona lockdown. The scholars
of Usūl have a principle:

“لا واجبَ مع العجز”

“There is no obligation to one that is incapable.”

But the ‘Eīd is not individually obligated on every Muslim according to the most sound opinion.

Allah knows best.

Barakallahu Fikum.
Jazakumullahu Khairan.

Abū Abdillah

28th Ramadān, 1441AH

📚 IslāmNode


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