Q&A (Fatwa)

#1099: On An Online Business Investment

“As salaamu alaikum fadēlatul akārim. A brother posted this question few days ago about an online business known as MY Bonus. He described it as an online business where you pay certain amount of money for a particular product. You will make sale 60 times a day and you will receive your commission. The higher the product you buy and sell, the higher the commission. He also said that you will only buy the product once and subsequently make sale everyday for the commission. The agent let you know which market to make your sale. There is no commission for who ever do not make sale that DAY. The brother told me he is interested in the business but then he wish to know the Islamic view of this kind of transaction.
Jazakallahu KHAIRAN. He wish to get the response soon”


Wa Alaykum Salam Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh.

Alhamdulillah. May Allah grant you and us an understanding of His Din and grant us Tawfiq and Sidq amin.

As for the scenerio you have described, there doesn’t seem to be any violations of the limits of Allah in this description however you have not detailed everything in the business such as what these items are, the conditions and how money is made in a more detailed way. This does not enable us to make adequate comments in detail.

But generally speaking, we have referred to the general rules on business investments in some of the questions we have answered in the past. You may refer to them on our Telegram Channel.

May Allah brighten our faces altogether, amin.

Barakallahu Fikum
Jazakumullahu Khayran.

Abū Asīm

2nd Jumada Th-thanī, 1442AH.

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