Q&A (Fatwa)

#208: Ruling on making Dikhr aloud without disturbing anyone


“As-Salaam Alaykum, Please what is the verdict of making dhkir loudly without disturbing anyone”



As for Dhikr, the Sunnah is to make it inaudible and not loudly. Shaykhu Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah – rahimahullaah – said:

“Rather, to make dhikr and Du’a silently; such as making salaat on the Prophet – salallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam – and others; is better…unles if there is a situation that necessitates somthing else…for indeed Allah says:

“And make Dhikr of your Lord in yourself with humility and fear” (Al-A’raf 205)

And in the Sahih Hadith from the Prophet – salallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam – it has come that when he saw the Companions – radiyallaahu ‘anhum – raising their voices with Dhikr, he said:

‘O People! Be gentle on yourselves for you are not calling upon one who is deaf nor someone who is absent. You are instead calling upon He who is Oft-Hearing and Close. Indeed the One whom you call is closer to one of you than the neck of his mount” and in the Hadith:

‘The best of Dhikr is that which is silent and the best of sustenance is that which suffices’ and Allaah knows best.” (Ref: ‘Al-Fataawa Al-Kubra’)

Imaam Al-Qaadi Abubakr ibn Al-‘Arabi – rahimahullaah – said:

“The default ruling regarding obligatory deeds is that they be done loudly and the default ruling for voluntary deeds is that they be done silently. And that is due to the ease with which Ar-Riyaa (Ostentaciousness) and showoff for earthly benefits can influence it. Also, it leads to pride over one another with good deeds since the hearts of people always incline to the People of Good deeds. Thus Allaah the Fashioner – glorified is He – aportioned the Ibaadaat of Dhikr those which are silent and those which are audible, in accordance with an overwhelming Wisdom with which He apportioned them and organized them…”
(Ref: ‘Ahkaamu Al-Qur’aan’)

Al-Khaadimi Al-Hanafi – rahimahullaah – said:

“the following has come in the last epistle of Abu Mas’ud:
to make dhikr loudly is permissible but to make it silently is better, and that was what Muhammad implied in what he mentioned in ‘As-Siyar Al-Kabir’ of it been disliked to raise the voice while reciting the Qur’an and making Dhikr in the same way he has explained in ‘Al-Dhakhirah’ and ‘Al-Muhit’. But at times, certain things could warrant making it loudly better such as when attempting to repel lethargy, sleep or distractive thoughts, encouraging and assisting others. In essence Dhikr, Qur’an and Sadaqah are the same in the ruling of making them silently or openly and they share same ruling too in that they should be made discretely unless when some other situations portend

(Ref: ‘Bariqatun Mahmudiyyah).
Allaahu A’alam!



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