Q&A (Fatwa)

#221: Ruling on the Janāzah of a Burnt Muslim


“Please Ustaz…someone send this question to me. Asalam Alykum, how do we offer Janazah for a Muslim who died in a difficult terrain like fire where its corpse can not identified?”


Alhamdulillaahi Rabbi Al-‘Aalamin!

The preparing of a corpse for burial by washing and shrouding is a Fard upon the Ummah that cannot be done away with. Therefore, what the Ulamaa explained in the situation you described is that if the entire body cannot be washed due to burning or extensive decay or rott, then the part that can be washed must be washed and the tayammum performed for what is left. And if the entire body cannot be washed, then we should suffice with tayammum.

Imaam Muwaffaquddin Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi – rahimahullaah – said:

“As for the dead by burning and drowning, if it is possible to wash it, then it must be washed. And if it is feared that by washing it, it will disintegrate, then water should be poured all over it without touching it. If it is feared also that by doin that, it will also disintegrate, then Tayammum should be performed for it if that is possible, and its situation is like that of the living that fears the touching of water…” (Al-Mughni)

Imaam Abu Zakariyyah Yahya bn Sharaf An-Nawawi – rahimahullaah – said:

“If it becomes impossible to wash the dead due to the absence of water or due to burning in such a way that if it is washed with water, it will disintegrate, it should not be washed. Instead, Tayammum should be performed for it. And this Tayammum is a Waajib…” (Al-Majmu’)

The Tayammum should be perfored for it by rubbing dust on the hands and the face of the corpse by the Mahram.

May Allaah be merciful on our living and our dead, may He forgive us all our sins by His Magnificence and Infinite mercies. Aameen!

Aallahu A’alam!
Baarakallaahu feekum!


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