Q&A (Fatwa)

#245: Ruling on Eating Meat as a Guest in a Non-Muslim House


” Question:
Salam alaikum, please is it alright to eat a meat that is served when you are a guest to a non Muslim, based on the assumption that the name of Allah is not mentioned when the animal is being slaughtered?”


Wa alaykum salaam warahmatullaah wabarakaatuh


Know that Allah has permitted us to eat the slaughtering of the People of the Book as long as they are not of the general idol worshippers, and it was not slaughtered to commemorate any of their festival days. Despite the diverse views of some of the Ulamaa on this, this remains what is in accordance to sun ah.

Therefore, unless you have fears that what was served to you is of what was or is used to commemorate their festival days, there is nothing wrong in eating such a meat.

Allaahu A’alam
Baarakallaahu feekum
Jazaakumullaahu khayran



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