Q&A (Fatwa)

#409: Al-Qasr (Shortening of Salāt)


” Assalamu alaykum Wa rahmatuLlah Wa barakatuhu. Pls I’ve gat questions dt nid clarification…. Its about d journey prayers 1. Wat is d maximum days u can observe d prayers wen on a journey? 2. During dis period,r u 2 shorten all of ur prayers or dye is exception? 3. Is it necessary 2 pray nafilah lyk d normal days 4. Ow abt Duha prayer n d witr prayers? I do hope n pray dt d questions will b ansad. JazakumuLlahu khayr”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


We have treated questions related to the Qasr at other times. Kindly refer to them for clarification. However, in summary, we shall respond thus:

1. As for the maximum number of days on which the Qasr can be observed, it is important to note that the majority of the Fuqaha from the Hanafī, the Mālikī, the Shāfi’ī and the Hanbalī Schools have maintained that the maximum number of days is four days, or for 20 Obligatory Salāt. They explained that this is for the one who intended to reside at the place to which he traveled for a period known to him. If he intends to tarry there for over that period, he must complete his Salāt.

As for the Dhāhirī and Salafī Schools, and favoured by Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, Ash-Shawkānī and other Imams on their methidology, they maintained that as long as the Traveler did not intend to remain a resident of the place to which he traveled and still considers himself to be a stranger, he may continue the Qasr for as long as that persists.

We say: while the later position is stronger with evidences and Scholarly Inferences, it is safer to go with the former position as a way of going out of Khilāf (disagreements)

2. The entire Ummah is in agreement that the Prayers that are shortened are those with four raka’āt – Dhuhr, ‘Asr and ‘Ishā.

3. On the Rawātib (Often-Said) Nawāfil while on a journey, the Official position of majority of the Schools (Hanafi, Mālikī, Shāfi’ī) is that it were recommended to remain resolute with the Nawāfil even while on a journey observing Qasr. Whereas the position favoured by some of the Notable Notables from the Hanbali School, in accordance to the verdict of ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar – radiyallāhu ‘anhu – is that the Rawātib should be avoided while on a journey except for Witr, Duhā and other Raka’āt that are observed for a purpose such as Tahiyyatu Al-Masjid, etc.

On this, the later position is stronger, and Allāh knows best.

We have authored a small treatise on Qasr and the matters that surround it. We ask Allah to make easy its production and later posting on this platform, āmīn.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

23rd Safar 1439AH

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