Q&A (Fatwa)


“Shaykh Sulayman Ulwan:
The Hadeeth: “The fasting person’s dua is accepted when breaking his fast” is a weak narration
What is rather authenticated from the Prophet Sallah llahu alahi wa salam. Is that he used to say when breaking his fast: The thirst is gone, the veins are wet and the Reward is confirmed In sha Allah ( : ذهب الظمأ وابتلت العروق وثبت الأجر إن شاء الله
Assalamu alaykum..
Pls can u confirm the authenticity of that hadeeth?
That the fasting person’s dua is accepted when breaking his fast..”


Wa alaykum salaam warahmatullaah wabarakaatuh

What you have mentioned and referred to from the blessed Imaam Shaykh Sulayman Ibn Naasir Al-Ulwaan – hafidhahullaah – is true. This position was also held by the Shaykh Muhammad Naasiruddin Al-Albaani – rahimahullaah – in ‘Ad-Da’ifah’.

However, the wording that was found Da’if is that which came with the phrasing:

: ثلاثة لا ترد دعوتهم: الصائم حتى يفطر، والإمام العادل، ودعوة المظلوم

“Three do not have their du’a rejected: the one who observes the fast until he breaks it, the just Imaam and the du’a of the oppressed.”

This wording implies that the du’a is always accepted right from during the fast until he breaks it.

However, other wordings of the Hadith have been reported and the Fuqahaa have agreed on their authenticity.

Imaam Al-Bayhaqi – rahimahullaah – records from Anas Ibn Maalik – radiyallaahu an hu – that the Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – said:

: ثلاث دعوات لا ترد: دعوة الوالد لولده، ودعوة الصائم، ودعوة المسافر

“Three supplications are not rejected: the du’a of a father for his son, the du’a of the one who is observing the fast and the du’a of the one who is on a journey.”

This was graded as Sahih by Shaykh Muhammad Naasiruddin Al-Albaani – rahimahullaah.

This wording does not encompass any specific significance to the time of the breaking of the fast. This was the point been made by Shaykh Sulaymaan Al-Ulwaan.

This assertion does not in anyway weaken the importance and excellence of making du’a during the time of breaking the fast (Iftaar). That is because the Ulamaa by majority have held the position of the preference of making du’a at that time of breaking the fast.

I will also like to draw the attention of my respected brothers and sisters to the personality of Shaykh Sulayman Al-Ulwaan – may Allah free him – that records be made straight.

He is of the few Ulamaa of the time who have held right positions regarding the dilemma of this era, stood by and spoken the truth, and sacrificed much in the the of steadfastness. We ask Allah to forgive the brother who made those assertions, aameen.

A very reliable and trustworthy brother narrates a dream in which he was shown the Ulamaa of the time and saw them all seated at the feet of one particular Aalim who was dressed in white robes and turban. When he made efforts to know who it was, he was made to understand that it was Shaykh Sulayman Al-Ulwaan. May Allah free him and grant dominion to Islam over Kufr, aameen.

Baarakallaahu feekum
Jazz alum I’ll as by khayran


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