Q&A (Fatwa)


” Salam aleikun waramothulahu wabarakatu… Please admin am confused about an issue and I want you to help clarify it. Is it permissible for a woman to hold or read a Quran that has been translated to English? If yes, is it not the same Arabic words that has been translates to English? Thank you in advance. Ma’ Salam”


Wa alaykum salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh


If by this question, the questioner means to ask whether the menstruating woman can touch and read the Qur’an, then we have responded to the question in like in earlier responses to similar questions. Please refer to it.

As for whether she can touch the Translated Copy, then it is permissible in that regard. And we do not refer to any translation as the wording of Allah in itself. This is because the Ulamā are at a consensus that no matter how adept and rooted a scholar is at translating the Qur’an to another language, he is never able to present the entire meanings of the Qur’an in other language or wording except as it is in the Qur’ān. And there is no textual evidence to stipulate that the Ruling of all of a thing is to be accorded to a portion of that thing.

For this reason, there is a wide difference between the Mus’hāf in its originality and the interpreted versions into other languages that we have sold to us in the markets today.

Allāh A’alam
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu khayran.


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