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Best Manners Of Seeking For Forgiveness

Imaam Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalaani – rahimahullaah – said:

It is reported from Shaddaad Ibn Aus radiyallaahu anhu- who said – The Messenger of Allah -salallaahu alayhi wasallam said:

“The best manner of seeking for forgiveness is for a servant to say;

 أللهم أنت ربي ، لا إله إلا أنت خلقتني ، وأنا عبدك، وأنا علي عهدك ووعدك مااستطعت، وأعوذك من شر ماصنعت، أبوءلك بنعمتك علي، وأبوءلك بذنبي، فاغفرلي فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا إنت

” Allaahumma, Anta Rabbi Laa ilaha illaa Anta, Khalaqtani Wa ana A’bduka, Wa ana A’la A’hdika Wawa’dika Mastata’tuk, Au’zubika Min Sharri Maa Sana’tu, Abuhulaka Bini’matika A’laiya Wa Abuhulaka Bizanbi, Fagfirli, Fainnahu Laa Yagfiru Azzunuba Illaa Anta.

” Meaning: O Allah! “You are my Lord. None has the right to be worshipped except You. You created me and I am your servant and I abide by your covenant and promise as best I can. I seek refuge in you from the evil which I have committed. I acknowledge your favor upon me and I acknowledge my sins, so forgive me, for verily, none can forgive sin except You.”

Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Bukhaari in his “Sahih”#6306.


The hadith shows the importance of the following:

♦ It indicates that the best manner of asking for forgiveness is for one to say the above Dua’.

♦ It shows the importance of the Dua’.

♦ It encourages making zikr of Allah.

Allaahu A’alam!

Baarakallaahu feekum!


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