Imaam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalaani – rahimahullaah – said:
It is narrated from Ibn Mas’ud – radiyallaahu anhu – he said: The Messenger of Allah – salallaahu alayhi wasallaam said:
It is narrated from Ibn Mas’ud – radiyallaahu anhu – he said: The Messenger of Allah – salallaahu alayhi wasallaam said:
“If you are up to three (in a place) then let not two of you take prival counsel without the third unless if you are within people (i.e. More than 3 in number). This is for the reason that that will sadden him.”
Agreed Upon (by Imaam Bukhaari and Muslim) and the wording quoted is found with Muslim.
Agreed Upon (by Imaam Bukhaari and Muslim) and the wording quoted is found with Muslim.
The hadith shows us the importance of the following:
1. Considering the feelings
of others. The Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallaam – always considered how his Companions and others around him will feel about his actions or utterances.
2. Of not saddening or hurting a Muslim
3. That anything that saddens or hurts a Muslim is abhorrent and Haraam in Islam.
4. The forbiddance of taking a third person who is present in a vicinity out of the discussion by the other two having a secret discussion or a using a language not known by the third.
2. Of not saddening or hurting a Muslim
3. That anything that saddens or hurts a Muslim is abhorrent and Haraam in Islam.
4. The forbiddance of taking a third person who is present in a vicinity out of the discussion by the other two having a secret discussion or a using a language not known by the third.
Allaahu A’alam!
Baarakallaahu feekum!