Q&A (Fatwa)

#1053: Is It Permissible To Visit Your Husband In Your Co-Wife’s Residence? And Can He Touch Either Of Us In The Presence Of The Other?

Assalaamu alaykum. May Allah reward you all for your efforts and grant you ease in all of your affairs. Please i have some questions regarding this hadith:
1. is it okay for a woman to visit her husband when he’s in the house of one of her mates.
2. Is it okay for a husband to touch one of his wives in the presence of another wife.”


Wa Alaykum Salam Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh.

Alhamdulillah, may Allah accept your prayers and grant you Tawfiq and Sadaad, amin.

There is nothing wrong in a woman visiting her husband if he is in the residence of his other wife provided that is with his permission and there is safety from fitnah in the doing of that.

There are so many ways in which the Shaytaan can come into that family by that visit and the husband is advised to be wise and careful in opening such gates.

But in a family where there is understanding and comprehension and in which the wives are united and not unhealthily competitive, there wouldn’t be anything wrong in that provided the husband grants her the permission to come.

And Allah knows best.

As for touching one of his wives in the presence of the other, if what you mean by touch is Intercourse and/or the romantic gestures that prelude it, this is not permissible due to what it entails of seeing the ‘Awrah of the one whom it is not permissible to see, breaking the screens of Hayaa (shyness) that should be established between the two wives, and possibly escalating the jealousy and envy between both wives.

If what you mean by touching is however holding of hands or that which is not a romantic gesture that is known to be a prelude to intercourse, there is nothing wrong in that provided it does not cause a Fitnah between both wives.

Barakallahu fikum

Jazakumullahu Khayran

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