Q&A (Fatwa)

#1111: On Reciting The Adhaan Into The Ears Of The New Born

Assalãmu alaykum warahmatullãh.
Admin my question is: is it sunnah to say adhan in a newborn’s ear?


Wa Alaykum Salam Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh.


As for reciting the Adhaan into the ears of the new born, then it is mentioned by some of the Fuqahaa as a Sunnah. Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi rahimahullah mentioned this in Al-Mughni. This is based on the Hadith that was recorded by Imam Al-Haakim in Al-Mustadrak from Abu Raafi’ radiyallahu anhu that the Rasul salallahu alayhi wasallam recited the Adhaan into the ears of Hassan bn Ali when he was put to bed by Faatimah. The Hadith is also recorded by Abu Daawud and At-Tirmidhi in their Sunan.

Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar mentioned in At-Talkhisu Al-Habir that the Ahaadith that refer to reciting the Iqaamah into the other ear is not unbroken and is therefore weak.

Of the Fuqahaa who do not see the Sunnah in reciting the Adhaan into the ears is Maalik for he disliked that. And probably this is because he did not find the Imams of Madinah before him doing it and did not learn of a Hadith to that regard. Imaam Al-Hattaab mentioned this in Al-Mawaahibu Al-Jalil.

But some of the Imams of the Maliki School considered it Sunnah, practiced it and called to it as was mentioned by Al-Jazuli in his Commentary on the Risaalah.

And of the Fuqahaa are those that hold that both the Adhaan and the Iqaamah be recited despite the weakness in the Hadith on reciting the Iqaamah as we referred earlier to the statement of Ibn Hajar in the Talkhis. And the basis of this choice despite the weakness in the Hadith is the Precept that Weak Ahaadith can be worked with provided it is in matters other than Creed and is of matters of goodness of deeds.

This is the position held by Imam An-Nawawi rahimahullah in Al-Adhkaar.

For us, we ask Allah for Thabaat, what seems clear is the Sunnah in the Adhaan being recited and to avoid reciting the Iqaamah as the Hadith in its regard is weak and broken.

And Allah knows best.

Barakallahu fikum
Jazakumullahu Khayran

Abū Asim

13th Shaaban, 1442AH

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