Q&A (Fatwa)

#1176: Ruling on the Permissibility of Selling One`s Sperm For Money


Asssalamu alaykum, pls someone ask me this question,
Is it permissible in Islam to sell your sperm to get money?


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

There is no doubt that this is of the most foolish and most Harām of things to do and it goes in contrast with the spirit and teachings of Islām. Can’t you see that all of the Sharī’ah and the Sharī’ah of the entirety of Mankind has agreed on the obligation of protecting the Five/Six Darūriyyāt namely:
1. Dīn
2. Nafs (Soul)
3. ‘Aql (Intellect)
4. Nasab (Lineage)
5. ‘Ird (Honor/Reputation)
6. Māl (Wealth)

The one who sells his Semen sells it for what purpose and for what to be done with it?

In the Hadīth that was recorded by Imām Al-Bukhārī from Nāfi’ from Ibn Umar, he said:

نهى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن عسب الفحل

“The Prophet Salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam forbade the taking of Stud fees”

What is meant is taking fees for crossing a male animal with a female animal. This is Harām. And based on this, the Fuqahā agreed that it was Harām to sell the semen of a Male animal to someone who needs it to cross his female animal.

If this is the ruling with regards to animals, what do you think will be the situation with respect to human beings??

These are things that the doers will forever be remembered as the propagators of Zinā and the makers of Children of Adultery in the land.

There is consensus that the placing of the semen of a non-husband into the body of a woman is Harām and takes the same ruling as Zinā. May Allāh save us from these kinds of acts and save our Ummah therefrom. Āmīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum

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