Q&A (Fatwa)

#1178: The Proper Dressing for a Woman in Hajj


Please how should a woman dress for hajj


As for the dressing of a woman in Hajj, then it is every dressing that the Sharī’ah commanded her to wear in other than the Hajj except that she is forbidden from the wearing of the Niqāb.

Shaykh Muhammad bn Sālih Al-Uthaymīn rahimahullāh said:
“There is nothing wrong with her wearing whatever she likes of clothes and in any colour she so desires provided it does not amount to flirting and display of beauty”.

And by what she likes is meant what she can wear of the Clothes that are permissible and recommended for her to wear as a Muslim woman. And that is a covering of her entire body that conceals her beauty and does not expose her in any way from head to toes. It must also not be tight that it displays the shapes of her body or thin that is seen through.

Though the Scholars differ about the obligation of covering her face and her hands to her wrist, the stronger and better ruling is to conceal it especially in these days of immense Fitnah. And Allāh knows best.

But in the Hajj, it is forbidden for a woman to use the Niqāb or the Gloves. When she fears been seen by Non Mahram men, she may let down her head covering or a part of her outer covering over her face to mitigate Fitnah and it’s likes, and Allāh knows best.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran

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