Q&A (Fatwa)
#132: The Ruling of the Sect (Ahmādiyyah)
” Asalamu Alaikum Warahamatullahi Wabarakatuhu, Are Ahmadies (ahmadiya) Muslims?”
Alhamdulillāh, we have answered the question on the Ahmadis before and we explained that they are Mushrikun and Kāfirs for their beliefs that Ahmad Ghulam was a Prophet, for their belief in a book after the Qur’ān, and their legislation of a Sharī’a after that of the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam.
In that regard their ruling is same with the Christians and the Jews and are not in anyway considered any close to Islam and Muslims.
If you have any relative that practices such deviancy, try to correct his creed.
Bārakallāhu fīkum. Jazākumullāhu khayran
5th Rabiu Al-Awwal 1438AH