Q&A (Fatwa)
#141: The Ruling on Burying the Placenta of the New Born
Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh
Alhamdulillāh, some of the Ulamā are of the position that anything that comes from the Human body should be buried such as Nails, Hairs, blood, placenta, etc. Their reason for this is that it is from the Body and the Muslim Obligation is to bury the body after its demise.
This was the position of most of the Mālikī Imams.
However, there is nothing obligatory about it.
We encourage that the Placenta be buried as was the position favoured by some of the Imams and we ask Allāh to bless the new born and to grant him an understanding of Dīn.
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran
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