Jumah Nugget: Here’s 15 Great Lessons We Learned the Hard Way in 2020.
Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz

“Great reward comes with great trials. When Allah loves a people, He tests them, and whoever accepts it attains His pleasure, whereas whoever shows discontent with it incurs His wrath”— At-Tirmidhi
Glorified and Exalted is Allah سبحانه وتعالى above all His creations. May his endless blessings be showered upon the best of mankind — Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم his household, companions and the generality of believers till the last day. Ameen!
Interestingly, the year 2020 has come and gone, Alhamdulillah! To many, seeing 2021 alone gives a sigh of hope. The previous year will be remembered as one of the most challenging ones in the life of the living. It may not be the same for many because some saw opportunities and positivity amidst the odds. We experienced an unprecedented global lockdown triggered by the novel corona virus pandemic. No one ever thought we’d have to be restricted from going to the masjid, enjoying iftaar together and observing restricted hajj with social distancing. Allah does as He wills and who dare questions the audacity of the Lord of the Supreme Throne?
So let’s reflect over the lessons derived from this unique year in history. Here’s at least fifteen lessons we can take away from the situation as bad as we think it was:
- Patience: The pandemic forced upon us patience. Humanity was battling an invincible virus, hence we had no choice than to endure while the fight lasts. Movements were restricted and close interactions were frowned at. We then understood the value of our freedom. Everyone had no choice than to follow the orders called new normal. Without patience, hurdles can not be surmounted. This affliction has come from no one but your Lord. Hence, be patient Oh faithful one.
So be patient with beautiful patience. — Qur’an 70[Al-Ma’arij]:4
2. Gratitude: It made us realize that the simple things in life, is what brings about the beauty of life. Did anyone ever imagine how difficult it was to breathe with a mask, albeit a ventilator? Yet we don’t know how priceless a breathe of fresh air is. We are surrounded by numerous bounties which we take for granted. The lesson is: Gratitude to Allah at all times, in all situations and whatever condition.
Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you deny? — Quran 55v [Ar-Rahman]:55
3. Learning: There came a time during the year when we couldn’t go and receive dars anymore. May Allah bless all those who organized virtual platforms as alternatives. We were able to harness technology for learning and reaching out. It was a borderless classroom! The morale here is: we have no excuse not to learn about our deen and other beneficial stuff. Always remember the day you stop learning, then you become a living dead.
4. Provision: Allah is our provider and sustainer. Our earning is only a means but our provision comes from above. Many lost their jobs during these trying times, yet they survived. If we truly rely upon Allah and play our part worshipping Him, we will find satisfaction with Him just like the birds go out empty and returns filled.
“And in the heaven is your provision and whatever you are promised.” — Qur’an 51[Adh-Dhariyat]:22
5. Resilience: The year taught us resilience. The lockdown affected people’s mental health on a global scale. Yet, we kept fighting and pushing to see through. Many truly understood the meaning of depression, grief and anxiety. The lesson here is: No matter what hardship you’re going through, keep going and don’t give in.
6. Priority: We all got a hard lesson on putting priority to things — that’s sometimes called misplaced priority. With a financial constraint, people got to understand how to look at things from the point of need over want then create a scale of preference. Lesson: Only get what you need, not what you want.
7. Life goes on: During the past year, we lost so many people to COVID-19. Wealthy people couldn’t buy back their lives when death beckoned. All the riches and worldly possessions they hustle others for were left behind. The morale here is: “Life will continue even when we are not there.”
Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception. — Qur’an 3[Al-’Imran]:185
8. Accountability: For the one who is wise, 2020 Must have taught them accountability by being conscious of their actions and inactions. It gave us a period to reflect over our lives, unplug from the duniya and reflect if it’s all worth it. The big question is what is the purpose of our living and what legacy are we leaving? After we’ve passed on, “We will all be remembered by what we’ve done, and how we made others feel.”
9. Worship: The year made so many people remember God and return to His worship. Many were able to seize the opportunity to return to Allah and earn His mercy. It was an opportunity for sincere repentance. We understood the value of a beautiful supplication as we needed it more than we thought and knew. A brother told me a sweet story of how he prayed the 12 rakaat daily sunnah during the lockdown and mastered it into a habit ever after. The point here is: “True Wisdom can be found only in the remembrance of Allah سبحانه وتعالى .”
10. People Matter: It will be remembered in history as a year in which people valued life and cared sincerely at the expense of their lives. First respondents were sacrificing their own lives to save other lives. People realized how important their loved ones were. I once listened to a radio show where a lady mentioned how hard it was to see her Mom from the cubicle without having a chance to hug her. She later lost her without having an opportunity to even attend her funeral.
Lesson: “we need to value and appreciate our loved ones”. Connect with positive people and ask for help when in need.
11. Self care: The story of 2020 will be incomplete without the mask. A strange face covering that made everyone look like Ninjas. We all had to care for ourselves by appearing in public places with face coverings and maintain a social distance. The importance of life was well spelt through out the year. Morale: “Safety First!”
12. Time: “The time wasn’t really bad, but I think the people were”. I’d leave this to you to discern and reflect upon. The year made us understand the value of time, it’s prestige and importance of the seconds. 2020 took forever as the time looked slow because we had to wait. Keep in mind: “time is of inestimable value; once you lose it, you lose life”.
“By the token of Time! Verily, man is in a state of loss. Except for the one who believes, and does righteous good deeds. And recommends one another to the truth and enjoins each other to be patient. — Qur’an 103[Al-Asr]:1–3
13. The world didn’t end: Before we reached 2020, some people made fake prophesies that the world will come to an end. The year proved them all as liars which indicated that no one knows tomorrow. The corona virus blended uncertainty with upheaval and paranoia. Amidst all the challenges, we still cruised the rough road into 2021, Alhamdulillah! Whether we like it or not, the world will come to an end and we shall be resurrected. The time is what we do not know but with the One Who created the worlds. Morale: ‘what are you preparing for before death beckons?”
14. Contentment: We were able to manage the little we had, and found contentment with those resources. We also realized that only you have the right to make yourself happy, while true happiness and joy can be found in contentment. The lesson is: “contentment is not dependent on quantity. Rather, it’s quality.”
15. God showed us He’s in charge: The year 2020 humbled a lot of people even the atheist and the big bang theorist. A miniature creature tormented the world and claimed the life of many. Yet there was nothing the whole of mankind could do to halt the spread. Morale: “repent and return to your Lord, the Creator of the worlds”.
“…And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them. He creates what he wills. And Allah is able to do all things. — Qur’an 5[Al-Mai’dah]:17
I can go on with the lessons, but it’s more important that we reflect on them introspectively. Our discreet relationship with our Lord is more important than our collective gatherings. We should think about how we came into the World as individuals before we were integrated into the society. We will die individually and our reckoning will be done separately. The year 2020 reminded us that together we can make the World a better place, if we genuinely care for the welfare of others.
What are some of the lessons that you learnt with this unique year? Please share in the comments…
PS: And Success comes only by the will of Allah! If you find this piece beneficial, it’s by Allah’s Grace. It’s no scholarly work and we accept our mistakes. Suggestions are welcomed in making this effort better as well. You are free to share by any means for enlightenment purposes. Kindly give a “click-clap” to enable other readers on Medium to see this post. We ask Allah to keep us guided and steadfast upon the right path. Please subscribe to Jum’ah Nugget so as to get our next publication in sha Allah!
Yaumul Jum’ah 17th Jumadal ‘Ula 1442 AH // Friday 1st January 2021.