Q&A (Fatwa)

#154: Is it Permissible to Observe Salāt Behind the One who believes Īsā -alayhi salām- is Dead


*Can I observe Salāt behind a Man that believes that Prophet Isa – alayhi salām – is dead?*

_” _Ya Admin, I recently prayed at a Masjid, where the imam was saying that Isa (as ) is dead , and that there is proof that he died, etc, is it permissible to pray behind such an imam?_


Alhamdulillāh Wassalātu Wassalāmu ‘Alā Rasūlillah

The entirety of Muslims and Christians believe that Īsā – alayhissalām – had his soul ascend to the heavens except that we differ on whether he was crucified or not.

Imām Ash-Shawkānī – rahimahullāh – said in Irshādu Ath-Thuqāt:

_”And by so doing was it established in all of the bibles that Allah ascended ‘Isā’s soul to the heavens after he was crucified, according to them as it is clear in their references. None of the Christians differed on this. And the Qur’ān have mentioned that He (Allāh) ascended with him toward Him and he was not crucified. This is also the position of some of the Christians.”_

For the fact that Allāh – ta’ālā – clearly mentioned in the Qur’ān that he wasn’t crucified, anyone that believed he was crucified, goes out of the fold of Islām after the verse has been made apparent to him.

As for how he was taken away and Allah ascended with his soul, the Ulamā differed in their Tafsīr of the Verse that concerns it.

Allāh – ta’ālā – said:

{إِذْ قَالَ اللَّهُ يَا عِيسَى إِنِّي مُتَوَفِّيكَ وَرَافِعُكَ إِلَيَّ}

_”When Allāh said: O Īsā, I will surely take your soul and ascend with you toward Me”_

Imām Ibn Jarīr At-Tabarī – rahimahullāh – mentioned three opinions held by Ulamā on how his soul was taken and ascended with.

Some of the Ulamā held that he died and then Allāh seized his soul and body toward Himself.

Others said: Allāh made him to sleep and then took his soul towards Himself.

The first is the position of Wahb Ibn Munabbih and Is’hāq.

The second is the position held by Rabī’

The third position, and the one upon which is the majority of our Ulamā, upon which the four Madhāhib are at a consensus, and that which is supported by the multiply narrated Ahādith is that Allāh took him to ascend toward Him without death or sleep. And numerous Ahādith point toward this.

Abū Ja’afar – rahimahullah – said :

_”It is known that if he had been made to die by Allāh, then He that made him to die would not kill him a second time so that he does not experience two deaths. This is because Allāh – azza wajall – told His Servants that He made them He created them and will make them to die and then ressurect them. He – azza Wajall – said:

الله الذي خلقكم ثم رزقكم ثم يميتكم ثم يحييكم هل من شركائكم من يفعل من ذلكم من شيء

_”Allāh is the One that created you then provided for you, then caused you to die, then ressurected you. Is there any of your Shirkī partners who does any of those?”_

And for the fact that the Multiple Narrations (Mutawātir) show that Īsā – alayhissalām – would return back to the earth in the End of Times and lead the believers.

In the clear Hadīth that was narrated by Abū Hurayrah and recorded by both Imām Bukhārī and Muslim, the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – said:

_”I swear by He in whose Hands lie my soul, so soon will the Son of Maryam – alayhissalām – descend in your midst as a Leader and a Just Judge. He would break the cross, kill the swine and abandon the Jizyah and evenly distribute wealth until no one would collect again of it.”_

Many of the Ulamā have authored books on this matter. Of them is Imām Al-Kattānī – rahimahullāh – in his book _’Nadhmu Al-Mutanāthir Min Ahādīth Al-Mutawātir’_

Therefore, if there is any Muslim who does not believe that Īsā – alayhissalām – ascended by the Command of Allāh and did not die on earth, he should be admonished and pointed out for correction, not to be abstained from. Though this kinds of beliefs are of the special attributes of the Ahmadiyyah for they believe that Īsā – alayhissalām – died and would not come at the end of time. It may be your effort to find out if the Imām of your Masjid was an Ahmadī by creed. If that is the case, then it is Wājib upon you to avoid not only praying behind him but going close to his mosque.

Otherwise, your duty is to extend to him beneficial knowledge that would expose him to the pure and correct knowledge on this matter about which he has gone astray.

Allāhu A’alam
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

3rd Rabi-ul-thanni 1438

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