#161: Question on the Place where the Walls to Restrain the Ya`jūj and Ma`jūj was Built
_” As-salam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh… Please can any one tell me the exact place where Dhul Qarnain captured and hide “Magog and Nagog” ???”_
Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.
This is among the matters that are known only to Allāh. Some Ulamā – past and present – have tried hard to come out with the precise tribe that is referred to as Ya’jūj and Ma’jūj and to point out the precise location of the great Wall that was erected by Dhul Qarnayn.
This question goes in complete alignment with who Dhul Qarnayn was.
The Ulamā differed on this. While some maintained falsely that Dhul Qarnayn was Alexander the Great the Macedonian, others said he was Cyrus of Persia. This is also false clearly on the fact that Cyrus was no where in the realms of Tawhid.
Abu al-Raihan al-Bairuni has said in his book al-‘Athar al-Baqiyah ‘an al-Quran al-Khaliyah that the Dhul-Qarnain mentioned in the Qur’an is Abu Bakr ibn Samma ibn ‘Umar ibn Ifriqis al-Himyari, the one who conquered the East and West of the Earth. Abū Hayyan At-Andalusī in Al-Bahru Al-Muhīt seemed to concur with that, and others.
Al-Hāfidh Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalānī – rahimahullāh – maintained in the Fat’h that he was a Muslim Arab who lived the same era with the Honored Prophet Ibrāhīm – alayhissalām.
About identifying the wall, then the following are some opinions:
🔸The Great Wall of China which was built by the Chinese King Fagfor 3460 years after Prophet Adam was put on the Earth
🔸The wall in central Asia near Bukhara and Tirmidh in a place called Derbent.
🔸The wall in Dagistan Russia also known as Derbent near the Caspian sea.
🔸The wall which is in the westerly direction to the third in the region of the Caucasus.
While Al-Mas’ūdī and other Historians hold that it would be one of either two or three above, the position of the Ulamā of Sunnah is that Allāh has not given us sufficient knowledge of this matter to be decisive and we are called upon to return its knowledge to Allah Alone.
Imām Al-‘Allūsī – rahimahullāh – said in his Tafsīr:
_”We do not know the location of this wall and it is very probable that great seas and mountains stand between us and the wall, and between Ya’juj Ma’juj and the rest of the world.”_
Modern Scholars of Science tell us that man is still yet to navigate every portion of the earth.
We have no reason as Muslims to be too inquisitive in matters like this. We leave the knowledge of them to Allāh Alone.
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.
10th Rabi-u-l-thani 1438
📚 *IslamNode*