Q&A (Fatwa)

#169: Ruling on Inter-Faith and Its Sponsors



_” Sallamu alaikum Ya admin, please what is the ruling on interfaith, and ruling of those propagate, support, and sponsor it, jazakhallahu khayran”_


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh

Alhamdulillāh! May Allah bless and guide us all, āmīn.

It all depends on what is meant by inter-faith here.

If what is meant by it is a forum whereby different religions come to discuss and understand the Creed of one another so as to arrive at the Truth, then there is nothing wrong in that as long as the Muslims participating in that are of those who are rooted in Islām , know its evidences and the universality of its Message, and will not compromise or cause Islām to be degraded.

But if what is meant is to call to a Unification of Religions and the finding of a common ground, then this is Harām and closer to Kufr than Islām.

The Muslim who understands Islām know of a certainty that the Original Religions of Christianity and Jewism have been nullified by the Message of the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – and the Muslim believes in the original message of Mūsā – alayhissalām – and Īsa – alayhissalām – hence no need to incorporate Christian and Jewish creeds in a common ground.

Instead, Calls to this kind of common grounds is an attempt to undermine Islam and to tolerate the evils and misguidance that are characteristic of this two false practices that these people follow.

We ask Allāh for guidance.

Whosoever calls to this kind of common grounds, or propagates it, or supports it, or finances it is of the most misguided people on the earth’s surface who must be distanced from and warned against. And with respect to the severity of his call is the degree of his misguidance. No doubt, of these individuals are those that have taken off the garb of Islām from their necks and abandoned Islām. We ask Allah for sanity, āmīn

And Allah speaks the Truth and guides toward the Right Path…

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

14th Jumadal ula 1438H

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