Q&A (Fatwa)

#211: Ruling on Salātul-Ishrāq



” Salamun Alaykum, please I want to know all about Nowafil Ishrooq , it’s modalities, time, Numbers of Rakah, what invalidated it etc”


Was alaykum salaam warahmatullaah wabarakaatuh!


Salaatu Ash-Shuruq or Salaatu Al-Ishraaq are the two raka’aat naafilah that are observed after the rising of the sun by the span of the length of a spear. According to some of the Ulamaa, that will be approximately 15 to 20 minutes after the rising of the sun. It is the exact time that follows the period in which the Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – prohibited us from observing Salaat – that is the time of the sun’s rising.

These raka’aat are described by the Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – as was recorded by Imaam At-Tirmidhi from the Sahaabah Anas bn Maalik – radiyallaahu anhu – where he said:

“Whomsoever observes the morning Salaat in Jamaa’a (congregation) and then sits down making Dhikr of Allaah until the sun rises. Then he observes two raka’aat, he will have the reward of Hajj and ‘Umrah.”
He (Anas bn Maalik) said: he (the Messenger of Allaah) said:
“In full, in full, in full”

Imaam At-Tirmidhi said: the Hadith is ‘Hasanun Gharibun’.

Shaykhu Al-Albaani – rahimahullaah – declared the Hadith Hasan.

About its authenticity, Shaykh Ibn Baaz – rahimahullaah – said:
“This hadith has various chains that are acceptable and in such a case it can be termed along with those that are termed ‘hasanun life ghayrihi’…”
Fataawa Shaykh Bin Baaz 25/171

Some other Ulamaa consider the Hadith to be weak. However, the manyness of its chains makes it as Shaykh Bin Baz holds. Allaah knows best.

Some of the Ulamaa hold that Salaatu Al-Ishraaq and Salaatu Ad-Duhaa are one and the same thing except that Salaatu Al-Ishraaq has a more limited time. This is because the Rasul – salallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam – said that Salaatu Ad-duha could be observed from the time of Ishraaq to near midday. This is the Legal Opinion of majority of the Madhaahib and some of the Muhaddithin.

Some Fuqahaa disagree with this and hold that Al-Ishraaq and Ad-Duhaa cannot be one and the same because the Rasul – salallaahi alayhi wasallam – specified and restricted the time of Al-Ishraaq and then gave the best time for the observance of Salaatu Ad-Duhaa as it is narrated by Zayd bn Al-Arqam that:

“Once the Messenger of Allaah went out to the People of Qubaa and met them observing Salaat, so he said:

“Salaatu Al-Awwaabin is observed when the little camel is burnt by the heat of the sun”

Recorded by Imaam Muslin in his Sahih.

Imaam Ibn Abi Shaybah – rahimahullaah – added in the Musannif saying:

“The Messenger of Allaah – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – went out to the People of Duhaa while they were observing Salaatu Ad-Duhaa. So, he said:
“Salaatu Al-Awwaabin should be observed when the young camel us burnt by the heat of the sun within the time of Duhaa.”

Imaam Ibn Al-Athir – rahinahullaah – said in An-Nihaayah Fi Gharaa’ibi Al-Hadith:

“What is meant by Salaatu Al-Awwaabin is Salaatu Ad-Duhaa when the sun has risen and its heat is severe. And it (the hadith) is used as an evidence for the merit of delaying the Duhaa until the sun is hot…”

In the Hadith of Abu Hurayrah – radiyallaahu ‘anhu – the Rasul – salallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam – said:
“Nobody preserves strictly the Salaatu Ad-Duhaa but the Awwaab, and it is the Salaatu Al-Awwaabin”
It is recorded and transmitted by Ibn Khuzaymah and Al-Haakim in the Mustadrak and it is declared Sahih by Shaykhu Al-Albaani in As-Sahihu Al-Jaami’i 2/1263

Shaykh Muhammad bn Saalih Al-Uthaymin – rahimahullaah – is of those Ulamaa that consider them same.

He said:
“The Sunnah (prayer) of Al-Ishraaq is the same as the Sunnah of Ad-Duhaa but that is when you observe it very early from when immediately the sun rises and rises the span of a spear, that is when it is Salaatu Al-Ishraaq. But if it were observed at the last period or the middle period then it is Salaatu Ad-Duhaa. But it (Al-Ishraaq) is s
till Salaatu Ad-Duhaa because the People of Knowledge – may Allaah be merciful to them – said that the time for the observance of Salaatu Ad-Duhaa is from the time of the rising of the sun by a spear’s length to the period just before midday.”
Ref: ‘Liqaa’u Al-Baabi Al-Maftuh’ 24/141

As for the number of raka’aat for Al-Ishraaq, it is mentioned as two raka’aat but the Ulamaa mentioned that it does not restrict it to two but that what it means is that the least is two. Allaah knows best.

As for Salaatu Ad-Duhaa, then there is nothing specified regarding that except that the least that has been recorded is two raka’aat and the most that has been recorded is eight raka’aat from the Rasul – salallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam.
We ask Allaah to make us all among the Awwaabin, aameen.

Baarakallaahu feekum.
Jazaakumullaahu khayran



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