Q&A (Fatwa)

#219: Advice to the Muslimah that Complains About the Heat of The Sun


“Alhamdulillah, may Allah bless u with much blessings, she complains the heat is too much, so she justify not wearing her hijab and she makes its her habit of saying the heat is to much, please what do you advice. Jazakhallahu.”


Alhamdulillaahi Rabbi Al-Aalameen!

Fistly, it is important to know that the Ulamaa are at a consensus on the Kufr of someone that makes fun of a symbol among the symbols of Islam.

Imaam Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi Adh-Dhaahiri – rahimahullaah – said:

“It is textually authentic that anyone that makes fun of Allaah Ta’aala or of an Angel among the Angels, or of a Prophet among the Prophets – upon them be peace – or of a verse of the Qur’an, or of any obligation among the obligations in the Din, after the evidences (of their obligations have gotten to him) is by so doing, a Kaafir”

Ref: ‘Al-Faslu Fi Al-Milali Wa Al-Ahwaa’i Wa An-Nihal’ 3/142

Shaykh Sulayman bn ‘Abdillaah bn Muhammad bn ‘AbdilWahhab – rahimahullaah – said:

“Whosoever makes a mockery of Allah, His Book, His Messenger or His Din, by virtue of that becomes a Kaafir even if he did not actually intend by his act to make a mockery.”

Ref: ‘Taysiru Al-Azizi Al-Hamid’ page 617

What constitutes the mockery or fun about which we are talking?

Imaam Abu Haamid Al-Ghazaali – rahimahullaah – said:

“And what is meant by As-Sukhriyya is to denigrate, to disrespect or to draw attention to errors and disadvantages (of a symbol among the symbols of Islam) in such a way that calls for laughter. That could be by relating things verbally or physically, and it could merely be by hinting and referencing by pointing.”
Ref: ‘Ihyaa Ulumi Ad-Din’ 3/131

Secondly, it is important to realise that Niqaab is one of the symbols of Islam which the Hanbali verdict, a reasonable number of the Maaliki and Shaafi’i verdicts consider Waajib. To denigrate, mock or make fun of the Hijaab or the Niqaab is surely a naked Kufr that cannot be shy away from.

Thirdly, on whether the doer can be excused based on ignorance, the answer is NO, as long as he knows that the women who are putting it on are doing so based on the Commandments in Islam. Even if he doesn’t intend to make fun or simply intends to play, it is still Kufr. Even if he doesn’t know that such an act takes it doer out of the fold of Islam!

Therefore, we must be careful and we must draw the attention of careless and reckless people to desist from acts like that. We ask Allaah for sound knowledge and discipline, aameen!

Allaahu A’alam!

Regarding the second part of the Question, it is important to know that the use of the outer covering/garment (Khimaar) is Waajib upon every matured Muslimah in the presence of a non-Mahram and outdoors, and the evidences for that are too known than needs to be mentioned.

The conditions of the Khimaar are:

1. It must be opaque in such a way that nothing is seen through it. Black is the best colour here.

2. It must be loose and must not reveal any of the body shape.

3. It must not, in itself, be attractive in colour and design. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose.

4. It must, to be best possible, not be difficult on the wearer.

Every Muslimah must fear Allaah and observe it. She must remember that on the Day of Qiyaamah, the heat of the Sun will be lowered and brought near the skulls of the sinners and that is really what can be called heat, not the little discomfort of the world that she calls heat.

Saying that she feels heat is not an excuse not to use the Khimaar, it can only be an excuse not to leave her home.

We advise her to fear Allah, to remember her standing before Allah, and to remember that the Fire with which she is been threatened if she doesn’t observe it is where the real heat lies.

May Allaah grant her Tawfiq and Sadaad, Aameen!

Allaahu A’alam
Baarakallaahu feekum


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