Q&A (Fatwa)

#233: Ruling on the difference between Sadaqah and Gift


“Assalamu alaykum. May Allah reward you abundantly for your effort Aameen. My question is what is the different between sadaqah and a gift in the Islamic context. Jazakumullahi khayran.


Alhamdulillaah Rabbi Al-‘Aalamin!

May Allaah reward you abundantly too, Aameen.

The differences are as follows:

SADAQAH: is what a Believer gives out to another believer or a group of believers with the sole intention of drawing close to Allah by that act.

The Ulamaa differ on the permissibility of giving out Sadaqa to a Kaafir. But what is sound is the permssibility of giving it out to the Dhimmis among them. The Dhimmis are Jews and Christians under Muslim Protection and who pay the Jizya.

HADIYYA (Gift): is what a believer gives out to other person (s) with the intention of honouring them, increasing the bonds of relationship or increasing love. Gifts are usually given to Neighbours, Friends, Family members, notables, etc. There is a consensus on the permissibility of giving gifts to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

HIBA (Give-Out): this is just a thing that a believer gives out without an intention. It is given out just to fulfil the needs of the one in need or to fulfil righteousness or to do away with the possession of what is given out. This can also be given out to both Muslims and Christians.

With what we have explained, it becomes clear to you the difference between Sadaqah and Hadiyya.

Allahu A’alam!
Baarakallaahu feekum!



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