Q&A (Fatwa)

#268: Ruling on Moon Sighting Authorities and Muslim Reactions


Assalamu alaikum warhamatullah wabarakatuhu

Admin Ramadhan is already at our door step, we pray that Allah azza Wa jaal count us amongst those who will witness it and benefit from it.. Aameen
There’s usually this problem associated with moon sighting.. Some people claim it and say they have nothing to do with the announcement of the Sultaan hence the fasting is not uniform as Sunnah demands
Please can you enlighten us on moon sighting and what is expected of us.
May Allah bless you as you respond.. Aameen


Wa alaikum salaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa barakatuh,

Oh Allah we ask from You guidance and taqwa. After that.

Commencement and ending of the Ramadan has been pegged upon two issues by the shariah which are; the witness of the upright Muslim and the action of the general Muslims.

Regarding the first; testimony of the witness(es);

The beginning of the month of Ramadan is established by the sighting of the crescent by one righteous Muslim or by the completing thirty days of sha’ban.

Abu Hurayrah narrated that the prophet alaihi salam said; fast due to its sighting and break your fast due to its sighting. And if it is obscured to you, then reckon the month to be thirty days.

It was reported from Ibn umar that he said, the people were looking for the new moon. I informed the messenger of Allah alaihi salam that I had seen it. He then fasted and ordered the people to fast.
However, if the new moon is sighted due to cloud cover or some other reasons, then sha’ban is completed thirty days according to the narration of Abu Hurayrah.

As for the month of shawaal, there exist difference of opinion whether one witness suffices or two.

It was narrated that, when Abdurahman Ibn Zayd Ibn Khattab was delivering a speech on a day concerning which there was doubt (as to whether Ramadan has ended or not), he said; verily, I sat with the companions of the Messenger of Allah alaihi salam and asked them. They informed me that the messenger of Allah had said, Fast due go it’s sighting, break your fast due to its sighting and perform the rites of pilgrimage by it. If it is cloudy, then complete thirty days. If two Muslims bear testimony to it, fast and break the fast. The difference amongst scholars arise because, this hadith was recorded by Ahmad and Nasai without mentioning “two Muslims”.

Regarding the second which is; the action of the general Muslims;

Abu Hurayrah narrated that the prophet alaihi salam said; the fast is on the day that the people fast. Breaking the fast is on the day that the people break the fast. The slaughtering is on the day the people slaughter.

The shariah has limited and pegged the issue of commencing and ending Ramadan based on these two in order to safeguard the unity of the Ummah at all times and under all conditions.

Thus, once these principles are abided by, it becomes binding on all Muslims to adhere to it either the authority in place is a legitimate one or not.

And based on our knowledge of the processes and procedures that are used to establish the month and it’s ending, it is fully undertaken by Muslims and the final result is only announced by the so called authority.

To say that this process is not followed needs a manifest proof which holds no doubt. As actions in the shariah are not based on doubts and conjecture.

Likewise, if it becomes clear without doubt that the so called authority does not adhere to these principles, only then it becomes haram for all Muslims to follow or obey such injunction. And they should follow what they collectively agree upon based on the above mentioned principle as one community.

And Allah knows best.

May Allah guide us all to adhering to the right path at all times.

Jazakumullahu Khayran
Barakallahu feekum!

Answered by Abu Hafs
29th Sha’baan 1438H



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