Q&A (Fatwa)

#282: Ruling regarding The Fitrah


Assalam alaykum waramotulahi wabarakatuhu,

Which day is good and better to

Wash clothes
Cut finger nails
Barb hair
And shave private part


The Prophet alaihi salam said: “The fitrah is five things: circumcision, removing the pubic hair, trimming the moustache, cutting the nails, and plucking the armpit hairs.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari and Muslim).

Anas (radiallahu anhu) said: “The Messenger of Allaah alaihi salam set a time limit for us to cut our moustaches, cut our nails, pluck our armpit hairs and shave our pubic hairs: we were not to leave it any longer than forty days.” Ahmad, Muslim and al-Nisaa’i; (this version is narrated by Ahmad).

Based on this narrations, we say we only see cutting of nails and pubic hair in the Sunnah. And no specific day has been stipulated to do that. The Sunnah only asked us not to exceed 40 days without cutting them.

As for washing of cloth, and barbing the hair, then its ruling is based on the custom of you people with conditions.

The condition regarding the cloth, is that it should be clean, while that of the hair, is that either all should be shaved or all should be left. Part of it should not be cut while leaving the other part.

And Allah knows best.

Jazaakumullahu khairan!
Baarakallahu feekum!

Answered by Abu Hafs

11th Ramadan 1438A.H



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