Q&A (Fatwa)

#295: Ruling on Sujūdu-s-Sahw (Prostration of Forgetfulness)


Assalam alaykum. Please I have a question
During Taraweeh last night, the imam made an extra unit of prayer Making 3rakahs instead of two. Were we supposed to go for Prostration of forgetfulness since its nawafil?


Wa alaikum salaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa barakatuh, know that the prostration of forgetfulness is legislated for both obligatory and voluntary prayers. This is because forgetfulness can occur in both.

In your case, it would have been better for the imam to complete the units to 4 and make salam without any prostration of forgetfulness. However, what the imam has also done is valid.

And Allah knows best.

Jazaakumullahu khairan!
Baarakallahu feekum!

Answered by Abu Hafs

18th Ramadan 1438A.H



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