#306: Can a Menstruating Woman Bath the Dead
_” As-Salaamu Alaykum. Please can a menstruating woman bath the dead person. If no, what if she is the only one available?”_
There is no text of Hadīth or Āyah of the Qur’ān that prevents a menstruating woman from washing the body of the dead Female.
It is mentioned in the Shāfi’ī Corpus:
ويغسل الجنب والحائض الميت بلا كراهة لأنهما طاهران
_”And the Junub and Hā’id can wash the dead. There is no dislike to this because they are both pure”_
Note: the Purity implied here is the Purity from Kufr.
But it is mentioned that some ‘Ulamā disliked it such as Al-Hasan Al-Basrī and Muhammad Ibn Sīrīn – Rahimahumullāh – as it was recorded of them by Ibn Abī Shaybah in the Musannif.
Also, there is a general dislike for the menstruating woman to be present during the time of death of a dying person, in accordance to the Mālikī School. This is mentioned by Imām Khalīl in the _Mukhtasar_…
Allah knows best
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran
📚 *IslamNode*