Q&A (Fatwa)

#309: Ruling on Saturday Fast


As salam alaykm warahmatullah wabarakaatu, What is the ruling on Saturday Fasting. Jazaakumullah Khayran


Wa`Alaykumu Salaam Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.

Regarding the Question on fasting on Saturday, we say :

It is true that Shaykh Al-Albaani made that emphasis and tried hard to propagate it in the Muslim world but it should be known that his stance on this matter was not corroborated by any of the Predecessors before him or among his contemporaries.

Asides this, the methodology he used in declaring his stance on this matter is entirely different from all the principles of Usul that are agreed upon even by the precedents of his own school: Ibn Hazm, Ash-Shawkaani and Sayyid Hasan Khaan – rahimahumullaah.
The Ulamaa are at a difference on the matter of that Hadith which is used to pass the verdict of its impermissibility:

1. Some of the Fuqahaa declare the Hadith – which is narrated by Abdullah bn Busr – to be weak and they thus believe that you can fast on saturday, whether you single out the day or not.

2. Some consider it only permissible to fast on saturdays if it is combined with a fast on friday and/or sunday.

The 1st is the verdict of the Hanafis and many of the Malikis

3. Some consider the Hadith authentic, but abroggated by a later Hadith in which the Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – is said to frequent observing the fasts on saturdays and sundays

The third is the verdict of Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah and many others among the Imaams.

The first is the position held by the Hanafis and many of the Maalikis.

The second is the verdict of the Shaafi’i and the Hanbalis and the majority. And it is the verdict of Shaykh Uthaymin and many others
There is no known Imaam in the past that is reported to have held same stance as Shaykh Al-Albaani. The closest to this is a reference that was made by Imaam Abu Daawud, that he knows one Scholar who holds that view.
Islam requires thorough checking, we don’t rely on the opinion of a scholar or pick the verdicts of the fore-runners of a particular school alone without regard to others.

What seems apparent and strongest considering all the positions and evidences is the verdict of the Shaafi’is and the Hanbalis that it is permissible if it is combined with one of Friday and or Sunday.

Allaahu A’alam.

A more detailed answer will in shaa Allah be given later

Baarakallaahu feekum.
Jazaakumullaahu khayran.



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