Q&A (Fatwa)

#312: Can a Lady be Pregnant for Her Suitor?


“As-Salaamu Alaykum. In a situation where by a guy and his lady have done introduction (that is both parents have accepted them) can the lady be pregnant for the guy before he pay sadaki ? and can the sadaki be paid while the lady is still pregnant?”_



It is not permissible for any two persons who believe in Allāh and the Last Day to get each other pregnant outside of wedlock. This is Zinā and it is of the worst of sins.

The entirety of the People of Islām have formed a consensus that the private parts are not Halāl for the opposite sex until the Conditions of Nikāh have been completed, without argument.

The conditions for the Soundness of Nikāh are three – Witnesses, Sadāk and the Giving of the Walī – by consensus, and four according to the Mālikī School – to include the Offer by the Walī and Acceptance by the Groom or whosoever represents him.

There is nothing in this question that shows that any of these conditions have been fulfilled. This is because your assumption that both parents have accepted them does not mean they have given the girl in marriage to the boy.

It is important that To-be Couples be very careful in this situation for there is entirely no difference between them and every other boy and girl out there as long as the ‘Aqd has not taken place. Marriage in Islam must be formal and cannot be assumed. This is because of the many Rulings that result from it major of which is the raising of the veil and the permissibility of the Act of Intimacy.

We ask that such girl fears Allāh and distances herself from any man that invites her to that.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

25th Al Muharram 1439AH

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