Q&A (Fatwa)

#416: The Qunūt of Salātu as-Subh


” Assalam alaykum, please my imam use to recite qunut at every d end of second rakah in solatul subuhi but silently before going for rukuhu.please evidence for did from Quran or hadith’s or d imams”


Wa alaykum salaam warahmatullaah wabarakaatuh!


Beloved one! May Allah be merciful to us and to you; the Fuqahaa differed on the ruling of observing Qunut just before the ruku’u of the second raka’a of Subh.

The Maalikis and the Shaafi’is hold that such practice is not only permissible, it is recommended (mustahabb).

Maalik said:

“All of that is accommodated: to say the qunut before the ruku’u or after the ruku’u. But that which I prefer deep in my mind is before the ruku’u”

Al-Mudawwanatu Al-Kubra

Ash-Shaafi’i said:

“And there is no qunut in any of the Salawaat except for Subh. Unless if some occurrence happens in which case the Imaam may observe Qunut in any of the Salawaat he chooses.”


The Hanafis and the Hanbalis on the other hand hold that such an act was not of the Sun ah of the Rasūl – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – to remain doing it.

There are a lot of Ahaadith that prove that the Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – indeed observed Qunut during the Subh but there is no evidence to prove that he took it as a constant practice upon which he was steadfast and continuous.

For this reason, the Hanafi and Hanbali position on this is closest to the truth.

Ibn Al-Qayyim in his ‘Zaad’, after mentioning and bringing a lot of evidences to prove that it was not sun ah to make reciting the Qunut during every Subh said in the end:

“If we have said that it was not part of the guidance of the Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – to always say the Qunut in the Fajr or to say the bismillah audibly, that does not say it is disliked as a makruh or that it is a bid’a. But the guidance of his – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – is the best of guidance and the most meritorious.”

Allāhu A’Alam

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

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