Q&A (Fatwa)

#319: Ruling on Praying behind the Imam with different Intention


Can you pray obligatory prayer along with non obligatory prayer like praying zuhr with someone praying nawafil or ishai with taraweeh
Please attend to this sir
Jazakhallahu khairan


In a hadith transmitted by an Nasaai, on the authority of Yazeed bin Azwad who said: that the prophet alaihi salam prayed fajr in masjid of khaif. After concluding the salah, he noticed two people behind who didn’t join him in the salah. He alaihi salam ordered them to be brought to him. They were brought while they were scared. He alaihi salam asked: why didn’t you both join us in the salah? They replied: we had already prayed in our area. He alaihi salam said: never repeat this. When you have prayed and you come to the masjid where the congregation is being established, then you should still pray with them. (the second salah you now observed) will be recorded for you as a naafilah (voluntary salah).

This hadith is declared authentic by Sheikh Suleiman Al Ulwan in fataawa as salaah.

From the above narration it is clear that it is allowed for one intending to pray naafilah to follow the one praying a waajib salah.

It was narrated that Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allah radiallahu anhu said: Mu‘aadh ibn Jabal radiallahu anhu used to pray with the Prophet alaihi salam, then he would go to his people and lead them in prayer. And he would recite al-Baqarah. … The Prophet alaihi salam said: “Recite ‘By the sun and its brightness’ [al-Shams 91:1], and ‘Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High’ [al-A’la 87:1] and the like.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.

Al-Nawawi said:

In this hadeeth we see that it is permissible for one who is offering an obligatory prayer to pray behind one who is offering a naafil prayer, because Mu‘aadh used to offer the obligatory prayer with the Messenger of Allah alaihi salam, so he discharged his duty, then he would pray the second time with his people, so it was voluntary for him and obligatory for them. This is stated clearly elsewhere than in Muslim, and this is permissible according to al-Shaafa‘I rahimahullah and others. End quote.

Sharh Muslim, 4/181

From both narrations, we deduce that intentions can differ between the imam and the one following him. And both salah will still remain valid.

And Allah knows best.

Jazaakumullahu khairan!
Baarakallahu feekum!

Answered by Abu Hafs

8th Shawwal 1438A.H

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