Q&A (Fatwa)

#452: Are Gay Muslims


” Sallamu alaikum ya admin,what is the ruling of a person who is a Muslim by birth,but commit sodomy(gay) and he is consistent in it I.e (he becomes a gay)is consider to be a Muslim,or are gay consider to be a Muslim, are their mosque consider to b a mosque,and their scholar consider to be imams, pls explain, jazakhallahu khayran,wa barakallahu fik”


Wa alaykum salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh

There is absolutely no doubt that homosexuality is a very grave sin in Islām and a crime in every sane society. An offence to which the Sharī’a accorded the death penalty.

For that reason, the Sahābah – radiyallāhu anhum – formed a consensus that the punishment of such a person was the death penalty, only that they differed in the method of executing such a person. While some of them held that he should be stoned to death, some held that he should be beheaded…

The Ulamā are however at an agreement that though his history punishment was death, he remains within the fold of Islām as long as he does not legalize it and or question the ruling that declares it Harām.

As for a Masjīd that is known to be that of the Gays, it is not permissible for any Muslim who believes in Allāh and the Last Day to observe his Salāt in such a place as that is a form of encouragement for their grave sin, and an increment of their numbers in the sight of others. This has a negative impact of displaying to others that they are many in number.

In the same vein, their Scholar/Teacher cannot be named an Ālim nor can he be so regarded for the same reasons. Had the Sharī’a been established on our Land, such people would have been had the death sentence executed on them.

We ask Allāh to guide us all, āmīn.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

28th Safar 1438

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