Q&A (Fatwa)

#468: Should We Learn from the Works of the Muhaddith Shaykh Abū ‘Alī though He makes Al-Albānī a Target?



After we had responded to a question we were asked about the Shaykh Abū ‘Alī Hārith Al-Hasanī, a beloved brother asked the following question:

“Assalamu Alaykum Shaykh.Hope you are in good state of health and imān. It is about the issue of Abu Ali. I do follow his page on fb. He is always attacking Albāni. And now he’s attacking imām nawawi. Should we learn from him?”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

Alhamdulillāh. We ask Allāh to grant us all steadfastness upon His Path and the soundness of health that allows us to serve Him as He should be served, āmīn.

The ‘Ulamā have formed an agreement that it is disliked to learn from an ‘Ālim that is Mubtadi’ and this is because in learning from him is a strenghtening of his position as a Scholar, increase in the number of his followers, and there lies in it the possibility of getting influenced by his innovations. For these reasons, some of the ‘Ulamā mentioned that only the Student of Knowledge that is grounded in the Knowledge of ‘Aqīdah and can’t be deluded can study from the People of Bid’ah. This is because his Knowledge shields him from the approaches of the Mubtadi’ Shaykh.

As for an ‘Ālim who is not a person of Bid’a but whose methodology to Hadīth or Fiqh is intolerant of his predecessors or Contemporaries in the same field, there is no restriction from studying from him unless it is feared that in such learning there is a possibility of inheriting same methodology and intolerance. If this fear exists and there is an alternative then the Student of Knowledge is advised to learn from the alternative ‘Ālim from whom he can learn the same thing.

The inference here is that if your heart fears that the methodology of Shaykh Abū ‘Alī and his intolerance puts your heart in danger, then avoid learning from his works and take alternative ‘Ulamā of Hadīth such as the Muhaddith Shaykh, ‘Allāmah and Imām in Luggah Shaykh ‘Umar Al-Haddūshī – hafidhahullah.

We ask Allāh for solace and guidance, āmīn.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

3rd Rabi’ l Awwal 1439AH

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