#472: The Income of a Job gotten through Zinā
” Salaamun Alaikum ya Shiek,pls what is ruling of an income of lady or man who got a job by committing zina with high profolic employee who employed he/she,I.e(the employee said you would have to sleep with me before you get this job and he/she accepted) which I think is the order of the day,is there income haram or halal,jazakhallahu khayran wa barakallahu fik”
Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.
The one who does this, we ask that Allāh guides her toward forgiveness and to be merciful to her. It is apparent that she would have to continue practicing Zinā to maintain that position and that employment since the employer remains the same or at least, her position will be compromised.
It is not permissible for any Muslim woman who believes in Allāh and the Last Day to remain in such a place of work whether or not the income by so doing becomes Halāl. It is apparent that she earned such an employment by means of Harām about which she must seek Allah’s forgiveness and make sincere Tawbah. And it is also apparent that that job becomes Harām for her by so doing.
And of note, the Ulamā did not consider Zinā to be of the sins that are permissible at times of necessity. Except at a time when one’s life is at stake or when one is coerced. By coercion is meant physical compulsion and not empty threats that the one who is threatening has no capability of executing his threat.
Even at that, the majority of the Fuqahā hold that even at a time of coercion, it were not permissible for a Muslim woman. The reason for that is that her chastity is a honour among the honours of Islām that must not be violated.
Therefore, if this matter you have raised is truly what is trite in some communities today, We ask Allāh to guide those who do or think of doing this and we ask you, the questioner, to admonish and warn such women.
For there is no difference between them and the prostitutes by so doing.
Allāhu A’alam
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.
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