Q&A (Fatwa)

#479: The Authenticity of the Age of Khadījah – Radiyallāhu ‘Anhā – when She Married the Rasūl – Salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam


” Assalamu Alaikum admin pls how authentic is it that the prophet (SAW) got married to Khadijah (AS) while he was 25 years and she was 40 years. Jazaakumullahu khayran”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

Alhamdulillāh, there is nothing authentically recorded concerning the Age of Khadījah – radiyallāhu ‘anhā – as at the time of their marriage.

Ibn Sa’ad recorded in the Tabaqāt that it was narrated that she was forty years at the time , and also that it was narrated that she was twenty eight years at the time.

Therefore, there is nothing authentically narrated and we are not tasked with its confirmation. What is obligatory upon us as Muslims is to respect her, to honour her and to hold her as one of our mothers.

May Allāh unite us in the Firdaws with the first ranks of Muslims, āmīn.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

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