Q&A (Fatwa)

#492: Observing the Adhān without Wudhū


” Asallam Alaikum Waramotullahi Wabarakatuh, please is it good or bad to call prayer without ablution, some one said is compulsory for muhazim to performed ablution before he call Solat prayer.”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


May Allāh reward you abundantly for the question, and may He bless you with the understanding of the Dīn, āmīn.

As for observing the Adhān and calling to Prayer with Wudhū, then the position held by the Generality of the ‘Ulamā is that it is neither a Condition ( Shart ) nor an Obligation ( Wujūb). Rather they mentioned that it were a Recommendation ( Mustahabb). And that it were permissible to make the Adhān without the Wudhū.

This is because there are mainly two Ahādith that purportedly forbade the making of the Adhān without Wudhū: The Hadīth of Wā’il Ibn Hujr in which the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – is said to have said:

حق وسنة أن لا يؤذن لكم أحد إلا وهو طاهر

“It is a Right and a Sunnah that no one should make the Adhān on your behalf except that he is in a state of Purity (Ablution).”

Imām An-Nawawī commenting on this Hadīth said:

“As for the Hadīth of Wā’il, it was recorded by Al-Bayhaqī from ‘AbdulJabbār Ibn Wā’il from his father as a Mawqūf. But the Hādith is both Mawqūf and Mursal because the Imams of Hadīth are agreed that ‘AbdulJabbār did not narrate a single Hadīth from his father. Some of them (Ulamā of Hadīth) have said: he was born six months after the demise of his father..”

This makes the Hadīth weak.

The second Hadīth is that narrated from Abu Hurayrah and recorded by both At-Tirmidhī and Al-Bayhaqī:

لا يؤذن إلا متوضئ

“He must not make the Adhān except one with Wudhū.”

This Hadīth was declared seriously weak by Shaykh Muhammad Nāsir in the ‘Irwā

The Mālikī Imām Al-Hattāb – rahimahullāh – said in Mawāhibu Al-Jalīl:

“It is Mustahabb to do the Adhān while with Tahārah (Wudhū) though it is sound without it. But in the case of someone with Junub (Impurity cause by Intercourse or ejaculation), then this is disliked. And this dislike is more severe when talking of the ‘Iqāmah”

Imām An-Nawawī said:

“It is Mustahabb that he makes his ablution before he makes the Adhān. If he makes the Adhān while he has no ablution, or he is impure by Junub. Or he makes the ‘Iqāmah for Salāt while he has no ablution or is impure by Junub. Both the Adhān and ‘Iqāmah are sound. But this is really disliked (Makrūh)”

They maintained that it were recommended (Mustahabb) because both Adhān and ‘Iqāmah are a form of Dhikr and it is in the Sunnah of the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallām – to observe Dhikr in Wudhū.

And Allah knows best
Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

10th Rabi’l Awwal 1439AH

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