Q&A (Fatwa)

#494: Ruling on whether Construction Site Laborers and Well Diggers can Leave Off Fasting


” As-salaam alaikum warahmatullaah wabarakaatuh
Sir, I have a very serious issue I need clarification for. I’m supervising some workers on a building site in this month of Ramadhaan
Surprisingly, I found out most, if not even all of them aren’t fasting
If I ask, they’d turn it into a joking matter
So I often think they aren’t serious about the Deen
But yesterday, I supervised some of them digging a well
I asked one of them if he was fasting
He replied, “can someone fast with this our work?!”
He went on to mention that the previous day (that was the day before yesterday) when he fasted, he worked digging a building foundation, and then when it was time for Iftaar, he was giving pap to drink, he vomited everything!
So, I’d like to know
What does the Sharee’ah say about this category of people?
JazaakAllaahu khairan”


Wa alaykum salaam Warahmatullāhi Wabarakātuh.

Wa Jazākumullāhu Khayran too.

Though Islam allows for Rukhsah in circumstances, this that you depicted is not one of such.

The proof in that regard is what you mentioned yourself.

How can we have able-bodied youths that are capable of digging a well and erecting buildings still claim inability to observe the fast?!

This is far-fetched.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

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