
5 Signs That Indicates Your Suffering Will Not Be in Vain

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz

And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives, and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones). Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: “Truly! To Allah, we belong, and truly, to Him, we shall return.” They are those on whom are the Salawat (i.e. blessings, etc.) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided-ones— Qur’an 2[Al-Baqarah]:155–157

Every human being whom Allah has created suffers at one point or the other. Muslim or non-Muslim, righteous or sinner, young or old, we all suffer in this worldly life. However, as a true believer who leads a goodly life, you’d suffer in a different manner. Your suffering has meaning, value, and purpose. It expiates your sins and raises your status in Jannah. Imagine the prophets and messengers sent by Allah, they were tortured, maltreated, and belied. Yet, that did not mean that Allah has forsaken them. Our beloved Prophet peace be upon him suffered tremendously. He was abused, fought against, and expelled from his fatherland. Yet Allah honored him to be the best of mankind and granted him victory on his mission.

In this piece, I’d like to draw our attention to the story of Prophet Musa in the Qur’an. How he suffered, endured and Allah granted him victory in the end. He’s one messenger whose story was most emphasized among the narratives in the Qur’an. Allah used this pre-occurrence to prepare him ahead of a great task. So just like Musa, Allah has not forsaken you, nor is He neglecting you. The same procedure which Allah used to prepare Musa is still in stock for you as a true believer. Do not be deluded by your struggles and pains. It’s just for a while and steadfastness is all you need to weather the storm.

Let’s examine a few of these traits that prophet Musa exhibited during adversity, which later turned out to be felicity for him. If you apply the same in your life, you’d be successful:

  1. Unquenchable thirst for knowledge: The story of Musa Alayhi Salam and Khidr as told in Suratul Kahf is an allegorical illustration of knowledge, wisdom, and mystery. It shows how Allah grants knowledge to whomsoever He wishes; reducing others including righteous men of knowledge to common learners. The story also symbolizes the worth of Allah’s wisdom in every event, which though may appear otherwise to the ordinary human mind. Therefore, do not give up on the path of seeking knowledge. Know that there are some paradoxes in life that can not be fathomed. Allah’s wisdom transcends all human calculations and this is the beginning of wisdom with submission.
  2. Strong quest for worship: Musa had a burning desire to worship his Lord such that he doesn’t question the injunctions. When he met Allah in the valley of Tuwa, what was he commanded to do? Allah says:

Verily I am your Lord! So take off your shoes; you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa. And I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed [to you]. Indeed, I am Allāh. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance. — Qur’an 20[Taha]:12–14

So ask yourself what kind of servant are you to Allah during these times of pain? It’s incumbent upon you to be exemplary and not give up worship during the trials. Do the extra deeds and not settle for the bare minimum.

3. Own up to your error and repent: Remember when Musa saw two men fighting and he pushed the Egyptian who died. He said this was from shaytan who is an open enemy. He asked Allah for forgiveness and Allah forgave him. Now, ask yourself: how do you feel when you commit a sin? If you find yourself acknowledging the error and repenting back to Allah, then that’s a good sign that Allah has something good ahead for you.

4. Be patient no matter what befalls you: Before Musa left Egypt and after, he suffered tremendously. His patience was enormous to the point that the prophet peace be upon him saw him as an example. One time, a man accused the prophet peace be upon him for being unjust in sharing the booty. This angered Allah’s Apostle and then he said:

“Who will observe justice if Allah and His Messenger do not?” — Disapproving of the man’s statement. Then he said: “May Allah have mercy upon Mūsa; he was hurt more than this but he remained patient.’’ — Bukhari and Muslim

Therefore, remain patient in all situations with the commandment of Allah, His prohibitions, and that which He has decreed upon you.

5. Be of benefit to humanity: Musa was of selfless service to his community and ever eager to bring benefit to people. Whenever he saw evil, he tried to fix it and this was even what led to the unconscious death of the Egyptian man. When he met the two young ladies who needed assistance with watering their cattle, he helped them unconditionally. In return, Allah blessed him with a reward after his supplication. So be a person of excellence, wanting to serve and bring benefit to the people. No matter what you’re experiencing, be the best version of yourself.


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