Q&A (Fatwa)

#502: Ruling on Hanging Verses of the Qurʿān in the House


” Asalam alaikun, please I want to know if it is permissible to use verses of Al Quran to be displayed in the house? Eg Ayatul Qurisiy”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


On the matter of hanging the verses of the Qur’ān in houses, the Ulamā have differed into three verdicts.

The first, considered it impermissible and declared it a bid’a. This is because there is no authentication of such practice from the time of the Sahābah.

The second, that it were disliked ( Makrūh). This is because it could serve as a means of mere beautification of the home and the Qur’ān and its verses are more sanctified than that

The third, that it were permissible. That is because there is nothing to justify its forbiddance if its purpose was for Dhikr.

The first based their ruling on the evils it mostly leads to and the fact that the predecessors did not practice same.

This is the position of Ibn Al-Hāj among the predecessors, and Muhammad Nāsiruddīn Al-Albānī among the contemporaries.

The second is the majority.

While the third are also a few.

Ibn Ābidīn Al-Hanafī – rahimahullāh – said:

“It is Makrūh to write the verses of the Qur’ān and the Names of Allāh ta’ālā on the Dirham, on the Mihrāb, on Walls and on anything that is spread out. And Allāh ta’ālā knows best.”

This is in the Hāshiyah.

Imām Al-Qurtubī – rahimahullāh – said:

“And of its sanctity is that it be not written on the floor nor on walls as it is done on modern Masjids”

Ref: At-Tidhkār Fī Afdali Al-Adhkār

Imām An-Nawawī – rahimahullāh – said:

“And our Madh’hab is that it is Makrūh to engrave the Qur’ān on the walls or on clothes. Same applies to the Names of Allāh ta’ālā”

The forbiddance of printing verses of the Qur’ān on Dirham and money followed the Ummah much into its modern history as the Ottoman Empire maintained this Fatwa for 100 years and forbade the printing of the Qur’ān with modern machines.

In 1483, the Ottoman Ulamā declared it Harām to print the Qur’ān with a punishment if caught 400 years.

It was not until 1877 that the Ulamā later allowed its print based on need after revising the earlier fatwah.

Our inference from this is that our Ulamā did not take the writing of the Qur’ān anywhere and anyhow lightly.

They always concerned with its sanctity and warned highly against transgressing it and then, if we look at the era we find ourselves we will notice that people hang pages of the Qur’ān just for beautification and to display religiosity.

If they want beautification, then there are other ways of beautifying houses other than the verses of the Qur’ān.

If it were for protection, then protection is attained by its recitation not by its hanging.

If it were for remembrance , then this would be permissible if and only if its author is sincerely doing the hanging for the sake of that alone.

We ask Allāh for guidance and soundness of Imān.
And Allāh knows best.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

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