Q&A (Fatwa)

#504: Ruling on Printing Allah`s Name on Cloth and wearing such Clothes


” Name of Allah and His Rasul on that👆🏼wax, is it permissible to wear it?”



We have mentioned yesterday that the generality of the Ulamā stood against printing verses of the Qur’ān and the Names of Allāh on walls and clothes but they have a consensus on the forbiddance of printing them on clothes or other things that are laid.

This is because in so doing, the verses of the Qur’ān and/or the Names of Allāh will be exposed to denigration, dirt, being sat upon, etc.

If therefore it is established that the cloth you referred to carries in print the Name of Allāh, it becomes apparent that it isn’t permissible to purchase such a cloth for wearing, as a Way of respecting and honouring Allah’s Name.

The Muhaddith Imām Zakariyā Al-Ansārī – rahimahullāh – mentioned this in Asnā Al-Matālib

We however advise the Muslim that cares about his Dīn to buy those clothes and keep them from circulating in the market by so doing so as to prevent the Jāhils from doing the opposite or better still, if we can have a great campaign that can discourage the producers.

We ask Allāh for guidance.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

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