Q&A (Fatwa)

#509: Ruling on a Woman Who was not able to Fast for Two Ramadān because of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding


” Assalamualaikum. May Allah increase you in knowledge. A sister was pregnant during d last Ramadan, as a result she couldn’t fast the whole of Ramadan, she didn’t pay fidya, she had the intention of paying back the fast she missed after her delivery, after delivery, she was told by a Muslim doctor that it’s not safe for her to fast now that she z breastfeeding (she will breastfeed till the next Ramadan) How can she pay back the missed fast? Jazakallahu khairan”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


May Allāh bless the mother and the child, āmīn.

There is nothing wrong in what the Sister has done.

And as long as she feared that observing the fast would be dangerous for her or for the baby, it is permissible for her to not observe the fast.

And she should make the compensation whenever she is strong enough and the fear ceases even if it takes two Ramadān.

This is the position favoured by majority of the Ulamā from the various Madhāhib.

Therefore, the said sister should make up what she has missed whenever the fear ceases to exist and she is strong enough to make the Fast.

May Allāh make it easy for her and to all Muslim sisters, āmīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

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