Q&A (Fatwa)

#529: The Exact Dates of the Hijrah Months


” Please adm how can I know the exact date of Hijra at every new month. Because I heard that sultan do announces it every month. I need it to target the”ayamu bid” rather than using the one on my phone.”



There is nothing precise with the Days of the Hijrah Months other than ensuring to always check for the moon when its appearance is expected.

There are Algorithmic formulas out there that people use as guides to help them get a close-to-precision date. These formulas should only be used as a guide, not as exact dates. The Ulamā have agreed that the way to sight the moon is with the naked eye and not with instruments and astronomical calculations, except for some few Ulamā that held to the contrary, such as Shaykh Ahmad Shākir, notably significant on this matter among the contemporary Ulamā.

In this regard, we have a writing on the Sighting of the Moon with respect to United or divided sightings, the use of formulas and Astronomical Instruments. We shall share when it is ready for puclication, Allāh willing.

But while we say this, we encourage you to always pay attention to the moon and seek its finding yourself, if you can. If you can’t, then rely on those who do.

There is a website, moonsighting.com that use a network of committees across the globe to announce the onset of the Hijrah Months accordingly. From our experience, there sightings are closest to the Truth.

Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

25th Jumadal Ula 1439AH.

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