Q&A (Fatwa)

#531: The ruling of Participating in Democratic Elections


” Assalamu alaykum. The question I wanted to ask was “what is the ruling on Muslims joining democratic politics for the sake of changing the system or favoring the muslims”… Jazakallahu khairan”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


We are sorry for the delay in responding to your question.

Bārakallāhu fīkum.

If it is understood that:

1. Islam is a complete system of life about which Allāh mentioned in the Qur’ān to have been perfected and chosen for us as the only way of life

اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دين

“Today I have completed for you your Dīn (way of life), I have perfected upon you my favours, and been pleased for you Islām as a Way of Life.”

2. That Systems of Government are a part of a people’s way of life, most importantly of the main way of life. For its reason Allāh said regarding Yūsuf – alayhissalām:

ما كان ليأخذ أخاه في دين الملك إلا أن يشاء الله

“In accordance to the Dīn (Way of Life) of the King, he wouldn’t have had the authority to arrest his brother except that Allāh willed.”

Here we see that Allāh referred the Laws of the King of Egypt as their Dīn: their way of life.

3. That to associate partners with Allāh in the Source of legislation is like associating partners with him in physical worship. And for its reason, Allāh – ta’ālā – said:

شرع لكم من الدين ما وصى به نوحا والذي أوحينا إليك وما وصينا به إبراهيم وموسى وعيسى

“He has legislated for you in the Dīn that which we commanded Nūh, and that which we revealed unto you, and that which we commanded Ibrāhīm, Mūsā and Īsa.”

Thus Allāh referred revelation as a legislation.

And He said:

أم لهم شركاء شرعوا لهم من الدين مالم يأذن به الله

“Have they partners that legislate for them something of the Dīn (Way of Life) that about which Allāh has not authorized?”

Thus does legislating in contrary to Allāh’s Laws become Shirk.

4. That Democracy is a system of Government where the Wishes of the People is the Sole Authority, and the Muslim System of Life is where the Commands of Allāh are the Sole Authority

له الخلق والأمر

“His is the prerogative of Creation and Commanding”

It therefore becomes apparent that these Democratic Politics are not of Islām, neither are Muslims of it. And Muslims must distant from it as best as they can.

We ask Allāh to bring for the Ummah a day where His Legislation – his Sharī’a is the System of Life and under whose banner we live.

We ask that He makes us of His Servants who take the Ummah to that height, āmīn

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

29th Jumadal Ula 1439AH.

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