Q&A (Fatwa)

#554: Ruling on Cooked Snacks shared for the Christian Easter


” One of my neighbor gave me chin chin and meat, is it haram or halal to eat it?”



A question very similar to this has been asked before and we have responded in accordance to the following lines.

1. It is Harām to celebrate with the Christians, the Jews and any other Religions on their Days of Festivity. Such celebrations may lead to Kufr depending on the level of celebration and belief in the celebration by the Muslim. As Muslims we must make known our distaste for Kufr and not be involved in anything that gives an impression that we concur with such Kufr festivities.

2. As for the meat that is slaughtered on that day or for that day, there is a weak position in the Maliki Madhhab making it Halāl for consumption. We explained that such positions are based on very weak premises and that its consumption is on a clear pedestal of Harām this is because the animal was not slaughtered on the basis of Tawhīd

3. As for the food prepared from what the earth produces on that day such as rice, etc,

Some of the Ulamā hold that it were Harām on the basis that its consumption implies approval of the festival.

Others held that it was Halāl, and based their argument on the Sunnah of the Companions as was mentioned by Imām Ibn Abī Shaybah in the Musannif, that the Sahabah would consume the cooked food and distance from the meat prepared on the Festival day of the Majūs.

The earlier position is weak based on the practice of the Sahābah. Shaykhu Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah elucidated in depth on this in his book ‘Iqtidā Sirāt Al-Mustaqīm

Whosoever desires further clarifications may refer to it.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

15th Rajab 1439AH

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