Q&A (Fatwa)

#565: Ruling on a Menstruating Woman Observing Wudhū for Du`a


” Asalamu’alykum, please does anyone knows the answer to this👇👇👇… Can someone who is not praying perform ablution to make Dua,especially when it comes to tahjud”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

Know, may Allāh be merciful to me and to you, that it is agreed upon by the ‘Ulamā that Du’ā can be observed by every Muslim and does not require Wudhū or Ghusl.

For this reason, if a woman was to be in her period, it is not only allowed, it is recommended that she does not deprive herself of the opportunity of making Du’ā at the hours of acceptance in the later one third of the night, asking from Allāh that which is of benefit to her in this World and the Next.

Same, in Ramadān, in its Last Ten days, most women deprive themselves of a lot of good by claiming they can’t make Du’ā and make its best use because they are in their Periods. This is completely out of line with our Dīn.

A Muslim must make maximum utility of what Allāh has given him/her of opportunities.

We ask Allāh for guidance and Steadfastness, āmīn.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

4th Sha’ban 1439AH



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