Q&A (Fatwa)

#583: The Day to begin the Tarāwīh Prayer


” What is the significant of taraweeh a day before fasting please I need an urgent answer .”



We ask Allāh to grant us soundness and excellence of understanding, āmīn.

It is recommended to begin the Tarāwīh on the first night of Ramadān. And that is the night that the moon was sighted and it is confirmed that the next morning will be obligatory to fast Ramadān. This is because the night comes before the Day.

The majority of the Ulamā have established that the night was created before the day. This position was enforced by the Tafsīr of ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas and Alī bn Abī Tālib – radiyallāhu ‘anhu.

Imām Ibn Al-Athīr – rahimahullāh – in Al-Kāmil Fī At-Ta’arīkh mentioned that the position that the day was created before the night was a very minority position that is wrong.

However, it is not of the Sunnah to begin Tarāwīh on the night when it hasn’t been confirmed that the moon has been sighted. This is because in doing so would be gathering in the mosque to observe Qiyāmullayl in a night that is not Ramadān. And this is Bid’ah. This was explained by the illustrious Faqīh Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Sālih Al-Uthaymīn in Ash-Shar’hu Al-Mumti’

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

7th Ramadān 1439AH

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