Q&A (Fatwa)

#585: Conditions and Permissibility of Wiping over the Stockings in Wudhū


” Salam Alaikum admin. Please, I have a question that needs urgent answer. My colleague and I went for Zuhr prayer and we both perform our ablution in the normal way. Now, it’s time for Asr and we went out as normal but he did something during his ablution, he didnt put off is socks and he just wiped water all over it but he did during the zuhr prayer ablution and wash his legs and put on back his socks. I approached him and he said its allow since he has done normal ablution during zuhr prayer but I told him its only allowed when you do it during suhbr prayer and runs through asr but invalid for mogrib and isha. please admin we need clear detailed explanation on this. please its urgent…JazkhAllahu Khairan.”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


We ask Allāh to reward you for your love of Dīn and learning its injunctions, āmīn.

As for wiping on the Stockings, then the ‘Ulamā considered it permissible under the following conditions:

1. That the Stocking covers the entire feet

2. That the stocking if worn does not need to be supported and would stay on its own on the leg.

3. That before the stocking was worn, the wearer had made Wudhū and maintains the Wudhū at the time of its wearing

4. If he is a resident, he can only spend a whole day which is one day and its night wiping over the same stocking without removing it.

5. If he is a traveller, he may wipe for three days, that is three days and their nights. That’s the maximum period

These are the five conditions derived from the Ahādith that mention this matter and they are found in all of the books of Hadith on Fiqh.

The Imām by consensus, Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī mentioned these conditions in his corpus Al-Mughnī

Therefore, there is nothing wrong in what your friend has done. And Allah knows best..

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

7th Ramadān, 1439A.H.

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