Q&A (Fatwa)

#588: Ruling on using Toothbrush and its Paste during Fasting


“Salam Alaikum admin. Please, I have a question that needs urgent answer. My colleague… said using brush and toothpaste in the morning or after suhoor is wrong and not allowed but i told him it allowed. please also shine some light into this for us. we just muslims trying to understand the deen in the possible and best of our manners. JazkhAllahu Khairan.”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


May Allāh grant us all the understanding of the Dīn, āmīn.

Know, may Allāh accept our Ibādah altogether, that the Ulamā are at a consensus that it is permissible to use the Miswāk in the course of Fasting. This is because of the generality of Ahādith in which the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – encouraged the use of the Miswak and emphasized its importance. He did not discourage its use at any given time.

And particularly, Imām Al-Bukhārī recorded among his Ta’alīqāt in the Sahih from the Companion ‘Āmir Ibn Rubay’ah – radiyallāhu ‘anhu – that he said:

“I saw the Rasūl – salallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam – many times I cannot count using the Siwāk while fasting”

For this reason, Shaykhu Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah – rahimahullāh – said in Al-Fatāwah Al-Kubrā :

“As for the use of the Siwāk, then it is permissible without disagreement. Except that they differ to two known positions on whether it is disliked to use it after the sun has passed its zenith (Zawāl). Both are narrated from Ahmad. And there is no Shar’ī proof to the effect that it is disliked and which restrict the general and default Statements concerning the Siwāk”

As for the use of modern toothbrush without its paste, then it will carry the Hukm of the Siwāk accordingly.

But for the use of toothbrush alongside its paste, then its scenario is similar to the tasting of food while fasting which the Ulamā have agreed to be permissible when necessary but disliked when unnecessary.

Ibn Taymiyyah said in Al-Fatāwah Al-Kubrā :

“And to taste food is Makrūh without a need to do that but it does not break it.”

Imām Ahmad said:

“I prefer that he avoids tasting of food but if he does, it does him no harm and there is nothing wrong in it.”

This was quoted from him by Ibn Qudāmah in Al-Mughnī.

For this reason, the Ulamā considered the use of wet Miswak permissible though it has a taste.

In summary they held the following positions as regards to the use of Miswak while fasting:

1. That it is permissible always. Before and after the sun has crossed its Zenith. This is the official Hanafi position as was mentioned in Al-Asl.

2. That it is disliked only after the Sun has crossed its Zenith. And this is the popular position in the Shāfi’ī and Hanbalī Schools as was mentioned in Al-Majmū’ and Al-Furū’

3. That the wet Miswak is disliked generally. Whether before or after the Sun’s Zenith. And the dry miswak is permissible before or after the sun has crossed its Zenith. This is the position in the Mālikī Madh’hab and one of the narrations from Ahmad bn Hanbal. This was mentioned by Ibn ‘AbdilBarr in At-Tamhīd.

For this reason, the use of the toothpaste can carry two scenarios:

First: that the toothpaste is very strong and easily flow down through the throat. This is disliked. The proof of this is the Hadīth of Laqīt Ibn Sabirah – radiyallāhu anhu – in which the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – said:

بالغ في الإستنشاق إلا أن تكون صائما

“Be very thorough in the inhalation of water (Istinshāq) unless if you were fasting.”

To be careful in Istinshāq if fasting means be careful that water might not go down to your throat.

This therefore makes such a deed disliked.

Second: that the toothpaste is not strong enough to flow down his throat. This is permissible.

This that we have mentioned is the position held by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Sālih Al-‘Uthaymīn – rahimahullāh – in his Fatāwah.

And Allāh knows best.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

8th Ramadān, 1439A.H.

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