Q&A (Fatwa)

#593: The Islamic Ruling on Observing Witr Prayer with the Imām in the Masjid in Ramadān


” Here are my questions: What is the Islamic rulings on: 1 safihi and witri in the month of Ramadan behind imam .…… Jazakunmullahu khairah.”



May Allāh ta’ālā widen your scope and make you of those that study his Dīn for His sake, āmīn.

Note, may Allāh be merciful to us all, that it is recommended for whosoever can, to observe all of the Night prayers with the Imām in the Masjid, and to ensure that he remains with the Imām until the Imām is through with all of the Salāt.

This is due to the Hadīth recorded by Abū Dāwud, At-Tirmidhī, An-Nasa’ī and Ibn Mājah – rahimahullāh – that the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – said:

مَنْ قَامَ مَعَ الإِمَامِ حَتَّى يَنْصَرِفَ كُتِبَ لَهُ قِيَامُ لَيْلَ

“Whosoever makes the Qiyām (Nights Prayer) alongside the Imām and remains with him until he finishes (the Prayers), it shall be recorded for him (the rewards) of Qiyām for the entire night.”

And this bounty is not but for the one who remains with the Imām throughout his prayers and does not leave before the Imām.

In this is great encouragement to observe the Qiyām with the Jamā’a and to avoid doing things alone. This was mentioned by Imām Ahmad as was recorded by Abū Dāwud – rahimahullāh – in Masā’ilu Al-Imāmi Ahmad

If then a person wants to observe further Prayers alone at night, then he may do one of the following:

1. Pray the Witr with the Imām and instead of making the Taslīm, rise after the Tashahhud and add a Raka’ah so that it will be two raka’āt. Then he can make the Witr the last thing he observes in the middle of the night.

2. Or, he can observe the Witr with the Imām and consider himself to have observed Witr. Then make his Raka’āt in the Night without repeating the Witr.

And the first is better. This is because to observe the Witr as the last is the preference of the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – as was recorded by Imām Muslim in the Sahih:

اجْعَلُوا آخِرَ صَلاتِكُمْ بِاللَّيْلِ وِتْرً

“Make the last of your Salāt by night to be Witr”

And Allāh knows best.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

11th Ramadān, 1439 AH.

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