Q&A (Fatwa)

#594: The ruling of Joint Prayer Sessions on Sunday


” Here are my questions: What is the Islamic rulings on…Sunday joined prayer session e.g nasfat and co… Jazākumullāhu Khayran”



Of the abhorent innovations practiced in the modern days are these gatherings which are dividing the Ummah and full of things unsanctioned by the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam.

These gatherings, aside the unsanctioned things that they practice, they add another abhorrent immitation of the Kuffār by singling out Sunday, a supposed rest day, for their special attribute and distinct gathering for worship, prayers and societal unity.

Were these Sunday gatherings to be free of unsanctioned Ibādāt and be only including of sanctioned acts of worship, the mere fact that they have singled out Sundays for these gatherings would have alone made it a Bid’ah that is abhorrent.

That said, these gatherings are not of the Sunnah and should be called against. Muslim Faithfuls should educate other Muslims involved in this weekly gatherings to abandon them for gatherings where the Din is taught and Sciences of the Sharī’a learnt. We ask Allāh to guide us all

However, to call unto the Dīn is by Hikmah (Wisdom) and beautiful preaching. Do not be haughty against Muslims that organize and participate in such gatherings. Rather, be gentle, kind but resolute in explaining to them that these gatherings are not of Islam and are an innovation.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

11th Ramadān, 1439 AH.

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